Server Rules
You are responsible for your own account, and so you are responsible for any punishments if you break the rules below. If you have an issue with a ruling, you can appeal at
General rules (apply over all servers)
Listen to staff instructions when asked something. If a staff member asks you to, for example, drop a topic or change the subject in chat, or leave an area to resolve a conflict, you must do so. If you believe a staff member is asking you to do something that is unfair, please create a ticket in the Discord where Management will investigate
Do not harass other players in any way. This includes, but is not limited to, constantly following/stalking players around or following them via their location on the map, creating builds around their town with the intent to annoy them, falsely reporting others to get them unfairly punished, targetting vulnerable players, or anything similar that we deem as physical harassment
Do not create eyesores in any of the Overworlds. This includes, but is not limited to, lava casting, cobble monsters, mass fires, large craters, and mass destruction of terrain - these are allowed in the resource worlds only
Do not use anything that can give you an unfair advantage. This includes, but is not limited to, auto-clicking or taping down your mouse/keys, x-ray, baritone, fly hacks, killaura/mobaura etc. Refer to the Allowed Mods list, and if yours isn’t listed, ask a staff member or create a ticket before using it
Do not scam other players of their money or goods. This includes making false sales, renaming items to impersonate other items with more worth with the intent to trick people, or not paying for an item that was agreed upon. Please note that scamming only applies to in-game trades and things of monetary value. Agreements about things that do not hold monetary value or a tangible property, such as agreeing not to interact with another player, agreeing to not join a certain town etc., are not punishable and are at the discretion of the players involved
Do not attempt to make traps of any kind on any involuntary player. This includes attempting to teleport a player into lava/a fall with malicious intention, teleporting a player into a PvP zone in an attempt to kill them, or trapping players in builds/redstone contraptions
Do not use any inappropriate skins or usernames, or create any inappropriate builds. This includes NSFW content (sexual/gore/hard drugs/substance abuse), or anything that promotes discrimination of any kind
Each player may use two Java accounts only - if you share a house with another player and believe you will appear on the same IP address, you should create a ticket in our Discord and let us know beforehand
Do not use another account to evade any current punishment on your main account
Any behaviour that indicates you have no intention to play the server, and are only online to cause harm or upset, will result in a severe punishment with no warning. This includes, but is not limited to, intentionally advertising other Minecraft servers with the intent to steal players, spamming offensive comments or slurs in chat or through any other means, leaking private information about another individual, purposefully attempting to lag or crash the server through machines or other means, abusing a bug/glitch for personal gain, and trading in-game items or money for anything outside of the server (excluding through the CYT store)
Towny Rules (apply to Towny only)
If you are outlawed from a town, you must leave the area immediately and stay at least 100 blocks away. If a player asks you to leave their plot in a town, you must stay outside of the borders of their plot
Do not set any warps in a town that isn’t your own, unless you have written permission or you can get permission when asked for it by a staff member. If the person that gave you permission to set that warp changes their mind, you must remove the warp. Warps must be set 100 blocks away or more from a town without permission
Do not abuse your town permissions to steal from residents. This includes, but is not limited to, draining the town bank of its money, purposefully making the town fall or go into ruin, stealing from town members’ plots, greatly increasing tax with no prior notice, kicking players from your town for no reason, taking advantage of permissions which were enabled by mistake, etc.
Do not intentionally interfere with a town’s expansion or design. This includes, but is not limited to, joining a town or convincing someone to trust you in their plot with the intention to grief, destroying pre-made houses without permission, ring claiming another town, and purposefully destroying the outskirts of a town via griefing, building large walls, TNT or TNT cannons, lava and water pyramids, or anything else we deem as intended griefing
Do not invite players to your town unsolicited, or spam invites to everyone that doesn’t currently have a town without talking to them first (e.g do not just send an invite to a player without talking to them at all prior - you should message them first and ask if they want to join, and respect their wishes if they don’t)
Please note that towns may have their own rules as long as they do not conflict with or violate the official CYT rules. If a player breaks any rule made specifically by a town, and is not an offence in CYT's rules, they will not be punished for it
SMP Rules (apply to SMP only)
If a player asks you to leave their claimed area, you must stay outside the borders of their claims
Do not set any warps in a claimed area that isn’t your own, unless you have written permission or you can get permission when asked for it by a staff member. If the person that gave you permission to set that warp changes their mind, you must remove the warp. Warps must be set 100 blocks away or more from a claim without permission
Do not abuse your permissions to steal from trusted players in your claims. This includes, but is not limited to, removing players from your claim or unclaiming their items for no reason while not allowing them to have their items back, or stealing items that belong to another player
Do not intentionally interfere with a player’s claimed area’s expansion or design. This includes, but is not limited to, convincing someone to trust you in their claim with the intention to grief, destroying pre-made houses without permission, ring claiming another claimed area, and purposefully destroying the outskirts of a claim via griefing, building large walls, TNT or TNT cannons, lava and water pyramids, or anything else we deem as intended griefing
Please note that players may have their own rules for their claims as long as they do not conflict with or violate the official CYT rules. If a player breaks any rule made specifically by a player, and is not an offence in CYT's rules, they will not be punished for it
Chat Rules (apply to all servers)
No disruptive chat. This includes, but is not limited to, repeating messages frequently, flooding chat, countdowns, excessive caps, constant begging for items/money, spacing out letters frequently, long messages with random letters (e.g. ddjkfhdkldgfhdaklghdklgjal), using a different font etc.
English only in general chat. This means no complete sentences or conversations in another language in general chat. Small phrases or words in another language are permitted (e.g hola, c’est la vie etc.)
No discussing any previous or active punishments on CYT, or punishments of other players on CYT. This includes punishments on the server and on Discord
No unsolicited advertising outside of /advert. This means if someone asks where they can buy something in chat, you can reply with your own playerwarp or something equivalent, but you cannot advertise it unprompted unless using /advert. This also includes no advertising through renamed items in /ah or chat auctions, placing renamed items in public containers, or by distributing renamed items directly to players
No personal promotions of anything non-CYT related. Permitted advertisements include if you’re currently streaming CYT on a streaming site, CYT-related discord servers and anything else related to the server that is not for personal promotion only. Promotions of your social media, or any content that has no relation to CYT, are not allowed.
No NSFW content in chat, such as sexual or erotic content, hard drug-related content, excessive mentions of alcohol abuse or other forms of substance abuse, gore, or anything else that is deemed as inappropriate to be discussed on a Minecraft server where age is not monitored
Do not harass others through chat. This includes bullying others, continuously messaging a player after being asked to stop, and any other form of verbal harassment
Do not directly insult other players through name calling, cursing directly at people, or making rude and insensitive remarks at them. We recommend if you are joking with your friends, that you do it in direct messages instead so that no confusion is caused
Do not discuss any political or religious views in chat, such as discussing who you should/have voted for, shaming or belittling religions, or any mention of politics/religion in general. We police this to ensure that conversations don’t spiral out of control due to differing views
No staff impersonation. This includes claiming to be a specific staff member, stating you are staff in general, saying that you have permission to punish people if they don’t do something etc
No discriminatory comments of any kind. Any form of homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism or any other unfair or prejudicial distinctions will not be tolerated
Do not attempt to evade a mute in any way via the use of signs, books, writing with blocks, renaming items, or anything similar. You are not permitted to use another account to bypass this or any other punishment. All penalties are issued with the expectation that the person responsible will serve their designated punishment.
Please note we do not enforce chat rules 1-9 in direct message logs without a report. If you are being harassed/insulted by another player via direct message in-game in an unsolicited or unwanted manner (e.g not just joking around with a friend), and they do not stop when asked, you should create a report in our Discord. If we find logs that show you have broken chat rules 10 or 11 in direct messages, you will be punished for it whether the incident was reported by a player or not
If a player is targeted, bullied, harassed, or made to feel isolated in-game on CYT due to someone spreading misinformation/rumours/gossip about them outside of CYT official platforms (e.g gossiping on another Discord server, in private with other players etc), you will be punished accordingly for it. For example, if you spread harmful or defamatory misinformation about someone and encourage everyone to ignore them or outlaw them from your town, with the intent of trying to isolate them/make them have a bad experience, you will be held responsible for that harassment and be punished for it accordingly. If you have personal issues with another player and those issues do not break CYT rules, it is not your responsibility to spread those issues around - mind your own business, and let other people make their own decisions about someone. If those issues do break CYT rules, they will be dealt with accordingly by staff, and should not be discussed further than a report. This is a Minecraft server, a place to relax and have fun, not to spread hate!
Allowed Modifications
Inventory and Mouse Tweaks e.g., ItemScroller, Mouse Tweaks, Chest Tracker, Inventory Profiles Next
Schematica/Litematica excluding Printer functionality
Mini-maps e.g., Xaero's Minimap, JourneyMap
Aesthetic Enhancements Shaders, Resource Packs, VanillaTweaks, etc.
Keybind Macros for welcome messages, common help responses, advertisements, etc.
Performance Optimization Mods e.g., Sodium, OptiFine, Entity Culling
Chat Customization Mods e.g., Chat Heads, AdvancedChat
HUD Improvements e.g., MiniHud, InventoryHud+
Light Quality-of-Life Enhancements e.g., Toggle Sprint, Better PvP, etc.
Freecam & Replay Mod
Crafting Assistance Mods e.g., Better Recipe Book, Item Scroller
Please ensure all mods comply with fair play guidelines and do not provide an unfair advantage.
Mods listed are examples and do not cover every possible mod. If you are unsure if a mod is allowed, ask!
Last updated