How do I make money?

You can check out /features for an overview of ways to make money on the server, but a good way to get started is by completing Sarah's tasks, voting and completing parkours.

How do I protect my land?

You can protect your land by making a claim. You can find our guide on how to make claims, how to get claim blocks and much more here.

How do I upgrade my gear?

You can ofcourse use regular enchantment methods such as enchantment tables and vanilla books to enchant your gear.

However, when you start to get a hang of the server you can start collecting Tokens these can be used to purchase enchantment books above the vanilla maximum. (click here for more information)

What are the custom fish?

Our custom fish are a part of a plugin that allows you to earn money and upgrade your fishing skills! Type /fish menu or crouch and right click your fishing rod for more info!

What is Entropy?

Entropy is a currency used to craft augments in /fish augments. It can be obtained from fishing and gutting custom fishes in /fish gut!

How do I find Fossils, and what are they?

You can find Dirty Fossils by mining, and clean at /warp Archaeologist! Once cleaned, you can discover what type it is by right clicking the Clean Fossil, and then add it to your Fossil Collection for rewards per collection completed!

How do I sell things?

You can sell things by making a player-shop {click here for more info). You can also attract players to your chest-shop by making a /playerwarp which can be unlocked at rank (INPUT).

Additionally, you can advertise things that you are selling on the #marketplace on our /discord.

How can I get Crate Keys?

Gaining keys depends on the Crate, but you can participate in server activities such as Sumo, Tournaments or by voting, or if you’re looking for a Mango or Clover key, it might be worth having a look at our Store!

How do I see my rank permissions, and where do I rank up?

You can check /ranks to see when you gain access to certain perks, and to see whether you meet the requirements for ranking up!

Do you have Events?

We usually do Events for Streamers, and we try to aim for weekly Events!

How do I find the Store?

You can find our server store by typing /store in-game, or by going to https://store.craftyourtown.com/

How do I apply for Staff?

You can apply for Staff on our Discord when applications are open!

How do I join the Discord?

You can join the Discord by typing /discord in-game and clicking on the link, or using https://discord.gg/cyt

I need help, how do I make a ticket?

You can always contact online Staff when you’re in-game for general support, or you can create a ticket in our Discord by clicking on “Open a ticket” in the #create-a-ticket channel!

How do I claim my Pouches/Crate keys?

You can claim your keys and pouches in /cr claim!

How do I vote and join VoteParties?

You can vote by typing /v in-game and typing your username in each link (remember to type your name as shown on the tablist)! Then stay online to join our VoteParties for every 75 votes!